We stumbled upon Bedouin Brew in the unexpected location of an industrial area in Coopers Plains when we were picking up something from a shop next to it.
The coffee shop has a clear sign on the outside announcing its existence there.

It is quite an open area, the high ceiling and open roller door and glass windows making it feel airy and spacious. The interior was simply decorated and, in keeping with its surroundings, had an industrial feel, with coated concrete floors, corrugated sheet metal lining the service counter, and cable spools for some of the tabletops.

The menu above the service counter spelled out that Bedouin Brew is a place to connect with friends and strangers over coffee. As their website explains, it reflects the Bedouin tradition of serving their guests coffee as a gesture of hospitality, which is a central value to the Bedouins. The menu listed drink options in simple sections of Hot, Cold, Speciality, Tea, Chai, and Extras.

Beside the service counter was a glass-fronted cabinet with light food items like filled sandwiches, bowls of salad, and small cake bars. Shelves on one side of the space had produce like olive oil, tins of tea, honey, and honeycomb for sale.

On our way to another errand, we didn’t stop for food there, but did get iced lattes to go, one on regular milk and one on soy.

There was a little bit of a wait, as a couple of other people had ordered coffees just ahead of us, but we were rewarded with promisingly coloured coffees, chilling with plenty of ice cubes, and differentiated by patterned paper straws.

The iced lattes were both rich and creamy, with rounded flavours of caramel, nutty notes. They were smoother than most other coffees we have had. There was no bitterness in the flavour. It initially seemed a little too strong, but as the ice melted, it was tempered to just right.

Bedouin Brew was a fortunate find, and we would definitely recommend it as a coffee stop.
Coffee: 4/4
Setting: 1/2
Service: 1/2
Total: 6/8
Price point: Iced lattes $6.50 for the large size, 50c extra for soy.
Value: Alright.
Address: 8 Boyland Ave, Coopers Plains
Phone: 0403 055 433
Website: Bedouin Brew